Asian American Coalition for Education Welcomes U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision to Review SFFA v. Harvard and SFFA v. UNC Cases

By | January 24, 2022

For Immediate Release

January 24, 2022

Livingston, New Jersey: On behalf of over 340 Asian American organizations across the nation, the Asian American Coalition for Education (AACE), welcomes the U.S. Supreme Court decision to review SFFA v. Harvard and SFFA v. UNC cases.

Since 1990’s Asian Americans have been scapegoated for many politicians’ failures in providing quality education to children of black and Hispanic minority communities. Instead of implementing effective policies to address the root causes behind under-performance of black and Hispanic students, the American ruling classes use race-based policies to discriminate against Asian American children in college admissions of Harvard University, University of North Carolina and many other colleges nationwide.

Since 2015, AACE has been providing continuously strong support to Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA), for its lawsuit against Harvard University. In 2015, we united 64 Asian American organizations, filed a civil right complaint against Harvard University. Our civil rights complaint exposed the anti-Asian racial discrimination in college admission to national stage and won over overwhelming support nationwide. According to a 2019 poll by the Pew Research Center, 73% of Americans believe the college admissions should be merit-based, and it should not consider race as a factor.

In recent years, more and more Asian American organizations stand up against this social injustice. In March 2021, over 340 Asian American organizations joined AACE, filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the high court to take the Harvard case and totally ban racial discrimination in college admissions. Today, we are very pleased that the high court has decided to take this import case.

AACE president, Mr. Mike Zhao said: “In recent years, the radical left has accelerated their assault on the American Dream, which promises every American should have equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination and initiative. The radical left wants to use equal results, in the name of racial equity, to replace equal opportunity. As a result of such polices, in the 21st century, Asian Americans are still politicians’ scapegoat for failing to make K-12 education achievable in so many communities of black and Hispanic. It’s time for the U.S. Supreme Court to step up to protect our constitutional rights. Race-based admission is systemic racial discrimination against Asian Americans and should be totally banned!”

Asian American Coalition for Education

Swann Lee, telephone: 617-651-1328, email: [email protected].

About the AACE:

Asian American Coalition for Education (AACE) is a non-political, nonprofit, grassroots national alliance with over 300 partnering organizations nationwide. AACE is the proven leader in fighting for Asian-American children’s equal educational rights. On May 15, 2015, the founders of AACE united 64 Asian-American organizations and jointly filed a civil rights complaint with the Department of Education (DOE) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to request that they conduct investigations into Harvard University’s discriminatory admissions practices against Asian-American applicants. As the largest joint action taken by Asian-American communities over the last few decades, this action helped expose the anti-Asian discrimination to the national stage. Over the years, we have advanced the cause of equal education rights for the Asian-American community, including federal adoption of AACE policy recommendation on college admissions in July 2018, federal lawsuit against Yale University in 2020, our strong support to Students for Fair Admissions’ lawsuit against Harvard University and to Asian Americans fights for equal education rights in Maryland, New York, Washington, California, Massachusetts and other states.