Category Archives: AACE

AACE official documents.

Press Release:   AACE Received Positive Response from Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington—Not to Use Race in College Admissions and Community Outreach Programs

Press Release: AACE Received Positive Response from Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington—Not to Use Race in College Admissions and Community Outreach Programs Livingston, New Jersey: Recently, the Asian American Coalition for Education (AACE), a national organization that advocates for equal rights and opportunities in education, received a letter from Paul G.… Read More »

AACE 2023 Review: A Historic Victory for Asian and All Americans!

Dear AACE Supporters: At the end of 2023, we are thrilled to report that this year has been a historic one for Asian and all Americans. On June 29, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down race-based college admissions (Affirmative Action). Starting from this application cycle, Asian American children will no longer be treated as second-class citizens in college… Read More »

Press Release: AACE Denounces Antisemitism and Advocates for Change at Harvard University

Press Release: AACE Denounces Antisemitism and Advocates for Change at Harvard University Livingston, New Jersey: On December 20, 2023, the Asian American Coalition for Education (AACE), a national organization that advocates for equal rights and opportunities in education, issued the following public letter to Harvard University president Claudine Gay and Governing Boards, denouncing antisemitism and advocating for  change at… Read More »

Press Release: AACE Urges Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington to Stop Illegal Racial Quotas in Admissions

  Livingston, New Jersey: On December 7, 2023, the Asian American Coalition for Education (AACE), a national organization that advocates for equal rights and opportunities in education, sent a letter to Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington, urging the school to stop illegal use of race in admissions and its summer programs.… Read More »

Press Release: AACE Urges the U.S. Department of Education Investigate the Appalling Discrimination against Stanley Zhong

Press Release: AACE Urges the U.S. Department of Education Investigate the Appalling Discrimination against Stanley Zhong Livingston, New Jersey: On October 30, 2023, the Asian American Coalition for Education (AACE), a national organization that advocates for equal rights and opportunities in education, sent a letter to Ms. Catherine Lhamon, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education, urging… Read More »